The Chief Wellness Officer will lead the Wellness team, be the school’s liaison for any wellness initiatives, COVID policies and the team will oversee the section Athletic / Wellness reps

    • VP, Happiness

    • VP, Athletics

    • Health & Safety Reps*

    *as applicable for this upcoming year

Vision for SA '22

  • Our platform: Provide programming to support student's Health and Wellness -- especially in times of extra stress and related to COVID -- and be the Student liaison (not enforcer) for all things COVID-policy

  • Your vision: Focus on promoting wellness:

Wellness Wednesdays- various activities through SA such as coffee breaks, therapy dogs, lawn games etc.

Dining: Initiatives already underway through the Health and Wellness Club

Fitness: Promote access to fitness: Shad, Group/intramural sports, bike tours, hiking trips, spin classes etc.

Accessible Mental Health Services and Counseling: Opt Out Appointments

Health Care Reps