Remember, the HBS SA is here to enhance your experience at Harvard Business School, so don't hesitate to reach out to them whenever you need assistance or have ideas to contribute.

  • The HBS Student Association is the representative body that serves as the voice of the student community at Harvard Business School. It works to enhance the overall experience of students on campus and acts as a bridge between students, faculty, and administration

  • The mission of the HBS SA is to foster a vibrant and inclusive campus environment that supports students' personal and professional growth. It aims to organize events, create initiatives, and advocate for student interests to enrich the HBS experience.

  • You can get involved with the HBS SA by participating in various student roles and events organized by the association. Elections are held regularly for the leadership team at the end of the academic year. Incoming students can elect to be considered for a VP role at the beginning of the academic year.

  • The HBS SA hosts a diverse range of events throughout the year, including social gatherings, networking opportunities, workshops, guest speaker series, and cultural celebrations. These events provide valuable networking and learning experiences for students.

  • The HBS SA communicates regularly through emails, newsletters, and social media channels. You can also check the SA website and bulletin boards across the campus for the latest updates and announcements.

  • If you have a great idea for an event or initiative, you can contact the HBS SA representatives or submit your proposal through email. The SA evaluates all submissions and supports feasible and impactful ideas.

  • Yes, the HBS SA collaborates with the academic support services provided by Harvard Business School. They offer mentorship programs, tutoring services, study groups, and access to academic resources.

  • The HBS SA takes student wellness seriously and promotes a healthy work-life balance. They organize wellness events, offer counseling resources, and encourage open dialogues on mental health issues.

  • The HBS SA values student feedback and actively seeks suggestions to improve campus life. You can share your ideas directly with the SA representatives, attend open forums, or participate in feedback surveys.

  • Yes, the HBS SA often collaborates with students on various initiatives and projects. If you have an idea that aligns with the SA's mission, you can propose collaboration and seek support from the association.

  • The HBS SA represents the student body in discussions with the school administration and faculty. They advocate for students' concerns, interests, and suggested improvements to the school's policies and programs.

  • The HBS SA actively encourages and supports diversity and inclusion. There are numerous student clubs and affinity groups that focus on different cultural, professional, and social backgrounds, providing opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Yes, the HBS SA is involved in various community service and social impact projects. They work closely with other organizations on and off-campus to organize volunteering activities, fundraisers, and social entrepreneurship events.

  • You can contribute to the HBS SA's efforts by actively participating in events, sharing your ideas, volunteering for committees, and supporting your fellow students in their initiatives.

  • If you encounter any challenges or have concerns while at HBS, you can reach out to the HBS SA representatives or contact the school's administration. They are there to support you and address any issues you may face.